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2021 Food Waste Reduction Program


On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • In process
  • Completed


In 2021, the Garbage Team led a virtual six-week Food Waste Reduction Challenge with 145 households. The Challenge was a success!

Participating households reported an average decrease in food waste of 45%, and 100% reported an increase in knowledge of practices to prevent food waste. Program staff developed and implemented tools and resources to assist households in reducing their food waste. These tools and resources are available at Each document has been translated into Hmong, Somali, Karen, Spanish, and Oromo as part of our strategy to increase accessibility for all residents of Saint Paul. Despite the pandemic, there were many opportunities for communication and community engagement.

Summary and contacts

Contact persons

  • Lydia Campbell
    Public Works
Information updated 04/19/2023