City Commitments and Rankings
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The City has already made significant investments in energy efficiency across several buildings, setting a high standard for others to follow. Looking ahead, Saint Paul is poised to continue making strides in emissions reductions by prioritizing key areas such as buildings, vehicle fleet, and street lighting. This steadfast dedication to environmental progress serves as a powerful testament to the city's unwavering commitment to sustainability. Learn more about City Commitments in City Buildings in the City Buildings and Operations Category.
Water is also a critical asset to the city. Maintaining a stable water supply is important to ensure a sustainable source for years to come. The amount of water that is treated and distributed also has an impact on the city’s greenhouse gas emissions as there is significant electricity used in this process. Water conservation measures will help reduce GHG emissions and ensure the capacity of the system is adequate to meet future needs.

Key Actions:
WW-1 Create greater awareness and adoption of water conservation measures through educational and promotional material
WW-2 Include low-flow shower head use as part of energy efficiency outreach programs
WW-3 Encourage replacing water-intensive turf with native plants at homes, office spaces, and other under-utilized outdoor spaces
WW-4 Identify and support opportunities for residents and small businesses to electrify water heaters and use as thermal storage
WW-5 Identify opportunities for businesses with significant hot water loads (laundromats and hospitals) to install solar thermal technology
- Conserve and reduce water consumption
- Use low-flow shower head
- Replace water-intensive turf grass with native plants at home
- Electrify water heater
- Advocate for Climate Action
- Vote for city officials who prioritize Climate Action