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Mayoral Commitments to Improve City's Future


On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • In process
  • Completed


In 2015, Saint Paul voluntarily joined the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, the largest global alliance for city climate leadership. Like all 12,629 Covenant cities, Saint Paul committed to taking tangible actions, including setting climate goals and tracking progress toward those goals annually.

Saint Paul fulfilled its first commitment to setting climate goals in 2019 when the City Council adopted Saint Paul’s Climate Action and Resilience Plan.

Fulfilling the second Covenant obligation of tracking progress toward meeting those goals is done with the CDP & ICLEI Unified Reporting System. Each year, Saint Paul submits its updated greenhouse gas inventory and provides detailed answers to dozens of questions about climate action. In 2021, Saint Paul was one of 95 cities worldwide to receive a score of A, which dropped slightly to A- in 2022.

Summary and contacts

Contact persons

  • Main contact person Russ Stark
    Russ Stark
    Chief Resilience Officer
    Mayor's Office
Information updated 04/13/2023