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Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)


  • Not started
  • Planning
  • In process
  • Completed
On time

Revised travel patterns from COVID have reduced the vehicle miles travelled to work in Saint Paul. Walking trips are increasing and demand for bicycle and scooter trips is on the rise.

Lead paragraph

Reducing emissions from the transportation sector will require a concerted set of actions that must be implemented simultaneously—one of those actions is to reduce the number of vehicles miles traveled (VMT) in the city. The City of Saint Paul will prioritize walking, biking, rolling and taking public transit for travel and reduce driving by 40% by 2040.


The majority of trips taken in Saint Paul are people driving alone in their vehicles, often for distances less than one mile. No- and low- carbon transportation modes, like biking, public transit, rideshare, using a scooter, and walking, all minimize emissions compared with single passenger vehicles. They also offer co-benefits like reducing traffic congestion, improving mental health and well-being, and minimizing cost to the individual. Providing residents with easy alternatives can help reduce the number of people who drive alone and reduce the per-person vehicle miles driven each year.

Miles Traveled by Driving in Saint Paul

Summary and contacts

Responsible organizations

  • Designing and implementing multimodal streets and infrastructure so that walking, bicycling, scootering, and transit trips are competitive with the automobile trips.
  • Enacting land use and parking policies that prioritize walking, bicycling, scootering, and taking transit over driving alone.

Contact persons

  • Anna Potter
    City of Saint Paul
Information updated 03.01.2025