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On time
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  • Planning
  • In process
  • Continuous

Lead paragraph

One way to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) is to make alternatives to driving more attractive. One alternative to driving is taking transit. The City of Saint Paul is lucky to have a plethora of transit services already – the METRO Green Line, the METRO A Line, and the local bus run throughout the city. The City of Saint Paul is committed to improving the comfort, speed, and reliability of these services so that you can rely on it and make fewer trips in your car – or perhaps even go car-free.


The most obvious way we are improving transit service includes opening new transitways in the city – transitways are the services that act as “backbones” in the transit network. They are corridors that have frequent enough service so that you don’t have to look at a schedule to plan your trip (making “kicking the convenience of the car” more feasible). A few of the transitways staff have been working with Metro Transit and partner agencies on include:

In addition to working on the transitways, staff is coordinating with METRO Transit regularly to improve facilities at bus stops and increase local route frequencies, so that taking transit can be easier for you. If these efforts are working, we’d expect to see increased transit ridership overtime, both in terms of number of transit trips taken and in percent of trips taken by transit (also called transit mode share)

Summary and contacts



Responsible organizations

Contact persons

  • Anna Potter
    City of Saint Paul
Information updated 18.01.2023