Crosby Farm Regional Park Silvicultural Study
- Not started
- Planning
- In process
- Completed
This is a twenty-year study, with initial data to be interpreted in 2023
The Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC) research plots in Crosby Farm Regional Park (Crosby Farm) are located within The Mississippi National River and Recreation Area (MNRRA), a 72 milelong national park. The ASCC installation within Crosby Farm is the first Affiliate ASCC project to be planned and implemented in an urban setting. The study is located within a floodplain forest ecosystem, dominated by an ash-elm mixed lowland hardwood forest type. The Crosby Farm ASCC research plots are designed to be a ‘teaching forest’ where the public can see, learn about, and participate in scientific research. Volunteers can join the effort by inspecting the plots, collecting data, or joining the Crosby Crew, a group that gathers regularly to maintain the plots. More information is available on Mississippi Park Connection's website at
Project partners for the Crosby Farm Regional Park ASCC study include Saint Paul Parks & Recreation, Mississippi Park Connection, University of Minnesota, Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science - USDA Forest Service, National Park Service, and Colorado State University, and others.
Read more
- PDF: Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change description of project
- Mississippi Park Connection
- Saint Paul Parks and Recreation - Crosby Farm Regional Park
- Mississippi National River and Recreation Area
- Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change
What are we doing?
- 12/31/2023
Initial findings summary
What has been done?
- 31.05.2020
Plant trees
1,000 trees planted in 24 research plots
Project partners will evaluate research data and provide a summary of early-project findings.